Тут я покажу простой пример как отобразить картинку. Сразу говорю код не мой, код я взял его на другом сайте
1. Создайте папку, у меня будет PS1GM2
2. Перекопируйте код и сохраните как main.c:
#include <sys/types.h> #include <libgte.h> #include <libgpu.h> #include <libetc.h> #include <libgs.h> #include "image.h" // image file #define OT_LENGTH 1 // ordering table length #define PACKETMAX (300) // the max num of objects GsOT WorldOrderingTable[2]; // ordering table handlers GsOT_TAG OrderingTable[2][1<<OT_LENGTH]; // ordering tables PACKET GPUOutputPacket[2][PACKETMAX]; // GPU Packet work area GsSPRITE image1[2]; // sprite handler unsigned long __ramsize = 0x00200000; // force 2 megabytes of RAM unsigned long __stacksize = 0x00004000; // force 16 kilobytes of stack extern unsigned char image[]; // the name within the 'image.h' file that was converted from the .TIM using BIN2H or WinBin2Src (http://psxdev.net/tools.html) long int image1_addr; // DRAM address storage of TIM file // -------- // integers // -------- int currentbuffer; // double buffer holder // ---------- // prototypes // ---------- void initAddresses(); // initialise the addresses void initGraphics(); // initialise the graphics void clearVRAM(); // clear the VRAM void initFont(); // initialise the font void initImage(); // initialise the TIM image void display(); // draw everything int main() { char *buf; buf = (char *) malloc(512); sprintf(buf, "Testing PSX!"); ResetCallback(); // initialises all system callbacks //initAddresses(); // this will initialise the RAM address to use // only use this if you are uploading to a hard coded address and are not including (IE: image.h) an converted file initGraphics(); // this will initialise the graphics initFont(); initImage(); // initialise the TIM image while(1) { FntPrint(buf); display(); } ResetGraph(3); // set the video mode back PadStopCom(); // stop controller communications return 0; } void initAddresses() { // the address to load to IF we are using hard coded address loading over the Xplorer // in the memp.map file that is defined in the makefile, our bss is 80048FC7. // we can load our image one bit after this as seen below... image1_addr = 0x80048FC8; } void initFont() { FntLoad(960, 256); // load basic font pattern // screen X,Y | max text length X,Y | automatic background clear 0,1 | max characters (eg: 50). SetDumpFnt(FntOpen(10, 10, 320, 240, 0, 512)); } void initGraphics() { int SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT; // puts display mask into the status specified by the mask (0 not displayed, 1 displayed) SetDispMask(1); // resets the graphic system (0 full reset, 1 cancels the current drawing and flushes the command buffer, 3 initialises the drawing engine while preserving the current display environment) ResetGraph(0); // clear all VRAM contents clearVRAM(); // automatic video mode control if (*(char *)0xbfc7ff52=='E') // SCEE string address { // PAL MODE SCREEN_WIDTH = 320; SCREEN_HEIGHT = 256; SetVideoMode(1); } else { // NTSC MODE SCREEN_WIDTH = 320; SCREEN_HEIGHT = 240; SetVideoMode(0); } // set the graphics mode resolutions GsInitGraph(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, GsNONINTER|GsOFSGPU, 1, 0); // set the top left coordinates of the two buffers in video memory GsDefDispBuff(0, 0, 0, SCREEN_HEIGHT); // initialise the ordering tables WorldOrderingTable[0].length = OT_LENGTH; WorldOrderingTable[1].length = OT_LENGTH; WorldOrderingTable[0].org = OrderingTable[0]; WorldOrderingTable[1].org = OrderingTable[1]; GsClearOt(0,0,&WorldOrderingTable[0]); GsClearOt(0,0,&WorldOrderingTable[1]); } void clearVRAM() { RECT rectTL; setRECT(&rectTL, 0, 0, 1024, 512); ClearImage2(&rectTL, 0, 0, 0); DrawSync(0); // ensure that the VRAM is clear before exiting return; } // load tim image from ram into frame buffer slot // we use 2 arrays [0] and [1] to split the 320px image into a section of 256px and 64px because the PSX can not draw greater than 256px (load 'image.tim' into TimTool to see). this gives us a total image size of 320px. void initImage() { RECT rect; // RECT structure GsIMAGE tim_data; // holds tim graphic info // put data from tim file into rect //GsGetTimInfo ((u_long *)(image1_addr+4),&tim_data); GsGetTimInfo ((u_long *)(image+4),&tim_data); // load the image into the frame buffer rect.x = tim_data.px; // tim start X coord rect.y = tim_data.py; // tim start Y coord rect.w = tim_data.pw; // data width rect.h = tim_data.ph; // data height // load the tim data into the frame buffer LoadImage(&rect, tim_data.pixel); // load the CLUT into the frame buffer rect.x = tim_data.cx; // x pos in frame buffer rect.y = tim_data.cy; // y pos in frame buffer rect.w = tim_data.cw; // width of CLUT rect.h = tim_data.ch; // height of CLUT // load data into frame buffer (DMA from DRAM to VRAM) LoadImage(&rect, tim_data.clut); // initialise sprite image1[0].attribute=0x2000000; // 16 bit CLUT, all options off (0x1 = 8-bit, 0x2 = 16-bit) image1[0].x = 0; // draw at x coord 0 image1[0].y = 0; // draw at y coord 0 image1[0].w = 256; // width of sprite image1[0].h = tim_data.ph; // height of sprite // texture page | texture mode (0 4-bit, 1 8-bit, 2 16-bit), semi-transparency rate, texture x, texture y in the framebuffer image1[0].tpage=GetTPage(1, 2, 320, 0); image1[0].r = 128; // RGB Data image1[0].g = 128; image1[0].b = 128; image1[0].u=0; // position within timfile for sprite image1[0].v=0; image1[0].cx = tim_data.cx; // CLUT location x coord image1[0].cy = tim_data.cy; // CLUT location y coord image1[0].r=image1[0].g=image1[0].b=128; // normal luminosity image1[0].mx = 0; // rotation x coord image1[0].my = 0; // rotation y coord image1[0].scalex = ONE; // scale x coord (ONE = 100%) image1[0].scaley = ONE; // scale y coord (ONE = 100%) image1[0].rotate = 0; // degrees to rotate // initialise sprite image1[1].attribute=0x2000000; // 16 bit CLUT, all options off (0x1 = 8-bit, 0x2 = 16-bit) image1[1].x = 256; // draw at x coord 0 image1[1].y = 0; // draw at y coord 0 image1[1].w = 64; // width of sprite image1[1].h = tim_data.ph; // height of sprite // texture page | texture mode (0 4-bit, 1 8-bit, 2 16-bit), semi-transparency rate, texture x, texture y in the framebuffer image1[1].tpage=GetTPage(1, 2, 576, 0); image1[1].r = 128; // RGB Data image1[1].g = 128; image1[1].b = 128; image1[1].u=0; // position within timfile for sprite image1[1].v=0; image1[1].cx = tim_data.cx; // CLUT Location x coord image1[1].cy = tim_data.cy; // CLUT Location y coord image1[1].r=image1[1].g=image1[1].b=128; // normal luminosity image1[1].mx = 0; // rotation x coord image1[1].my = 0; // rotation y coord image1[1].scalex = ONE; // scale x coord (ONE = 100%) image1[1].scaley = ONE; // scale y coord (ONE = 100%) image1[1].rotate = 0; // degrees to rotate // wait for all drawing to finish DrawSync(0); } void display() { // refresh the font FntFlush(-1); // get the current buffer currentbuffer=GsGetActiveBuff(); // setup the packet workbase GsSetWorkBase((PACKET*)GPUOutputPacket[currentbuffer]); // clear the ordering table GsClearOt(0,0,&WorldOrderingTable[currentbuffer]); // insert sprites into the ordering table GsSortSprite(&image1[0], &WorldOrderingTable[currentbuffer], 0); GsSortSprite(&image1[1], &WorldOrderingTable[currentbuffer], 0); // wait for all drawing to finish DrawSync(0); // wait for v_blank interrupt VSync(0); // flip double buffers GsSwapDispBuff(); // clear the ordering table with a background color GsSortClear(0,0,0,&WorldOrderingTable[currentbuffer]); // Draw the ordering table for the currentbuffer GsDrawOt(&WorldOrderingTable[currentbuffer]); }
2. Создайте makefile.mak и вставьте этот код:
all: del mem.map del main.sym del main.exe del main.cpe ccpsx -O3 -Xo$80010000 main.c -omain.cpe,main.sym,mem.map cpe2x /CE main.cpe
3. Найдите картинку и сохраните её как BMP, размер не должен привышать 320x256 пикселей, если фотка большая уменшети её до 320x240 или 320x256 пикселей.
4. Импортируйте BMP файл спомощью Tim Tool, а потом сохраните как tim.
Так сохранить в TIM:
5. Создайте bat-файл makeexe.bat и скопируйте код:
@echo off bin2h 1.tim image.h image psymake
6. Запустите makeexe.bat, у меня получилось что-то типа такого:
About to convert '1.tim' into a variable 'image' in file 'image.h', with file size stored. PsyMake version 1.14 copyright SN Systems Software Ltd 1993 C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\COMMAND.COM /C del mem.map C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\COMMAND.COM /C del main.sym C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\COMMAND.COM /C del main.exe C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\COMMAND.COM /C del main.cpe N:\psyq\bin\ccpsx.EXE -O3 -Xo$80010000 main.c -omain.cpe,main.sym,mem.map N:\psyq\bin\cpe2x.EXE /CE main.cpe CPE2X Ver1.5 Copyright (C) 1994,1995 by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. convert from main.cpe to main.EXE for Europe area pc0:80017060 t_addr:80010000 t_size:00036000 C:\PS1GM2>